
  • You can change the world; Make friends


    Build an army of friends. To change society, you have to play a social role in it. Your friends become your allies. First I want to clarify the kind of friendship I mean. I mean the sort of friendship where…

  • No one can tell you how you feel.


    Excerpt from a conversation I had with another MAP Just know that having an orientation doesn’t make you a monster. It doesn’t mean you are destined to act unethically. You explained your feelings for children in your previous email. Don’t…

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    The Keys to Self-Acceptance


    This piece was originally published Mar 24, 2023. I was recently asked how I was able to accept myself as a minor-attracted person. It was only after I realized: I didn’t choose this orientation. An unchosen orientation doesn’t make one…

  • Who Does This Help?


    This piece was originally written on Jan 29, 2023. One of the philosophies I try to adhere to is asking: Who does this help? In the midst of conflict, ask yourself who is this helping? What good can come out…

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    Letting Ourselves Be Vulnerable


    This piece was originally written on Jan 5, 2023. I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow MAP through video chat yesterday. This person is someone I’ve talked with for a few years online. I’ve always gotten good vibes from…