MAP rights
Throughout the majority of self-declared democratic societies, certain rights are considered universal, basic necessities for human dignity. Some of these rights are declared explicitly, such as in the United States Bill of Rights, or in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Others are assumed to exist by society and never questioned. Minor attracted persons routinely have many of these rights denied to them, through both action and inaction. MEDAL believes that MAPs deserve all the same rights as every other citizen of the world, but here are a list of rights that are commonly denied to them.
If you would like examples of what these rights would look like, how these rights are frequently denied to MAPs, or just more information in general, please contact us.

Right to social participation
MAPs have the right to fully participate in society and its institutions openly and equally with other citizens (including the right to raise children) without fear of reprisal, and to be free from others’ prejudicial assumptions regarding motives, capacity, or character.
Right to self-knowledge and accurate representation
MAPs have the right to free access to accurate information and education about themselves and topics involving them, to have that information made available to the general public, to see accurate and respectful portrayals of MAPs in media, and to have their historical and current contributions to society recognized.

Right to assembly
MAPs have the right to freely and openly gather and give each other support without interference.
Right to freedom from discrimination
MAPs have the right to be free from educational, employment, and housing discrimination, regardless of the presence of minors, according to the same stipulations as imposed on non-MAPs.

Right to be recognized
The existence of minor attraction and MAPs should not be excluded from discussions about relevant issues, such as those of sexuality, diversity, ethics, and marginalized minorities. Such inclusion should be done with the same respect that is granted to others.
Right to self-expression
MAPs have the right to speak openly about their nature, experiences, perspectives, and situation in society without fear of reprisal, for these voices to be recognized as valid, and to be prioritized in all discussions and matters related to minor attraction.

Right to equal protection
MAPs have the right to receive equal protection under the law, including regarding privacy and safety, and to be treated humanely and ethically when involved in the criminal punishment system. In particular, MAPs have the right to freedom from extreme, sexually or emotionally abusive or degrading sex-specific treatments mandated by the criminal punishment system. Treatments deemed inhumane when used on gay people should never be seen as acceptable on MAPs regardless of behavior.
Right to sexual outlets
MAPs have the right to sexual outlets. In particular, the right to access or purchase outlets that do not involve actual minors, such as sex dolls/robots, virtual reality depictions, sexual stories, and visual art, without fear of censorship, loss of privacy, or legal action. The criminalization and suppression of such outlets targets MAPs for who they are rather than any harm they cause.

MAP youth rights
MAP youth have the right to be recognized and accepted by mainstream youth-serving organizations and institutions, and to have their unique needs recognized and treated with sensitivity.