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syndicated from A MAP In Love

This journal entry is the opinion of the author, and not an official position of MEDAL.

As a Christian, I am often asked about the intersectionality between my faith and my orientation. I’ve researched and written extensively about it on my blog.


To answer the initial question, why did God create pedophiles? Simple. God needs people to love, advocate, and care for children. The meaning of pedophilia has been stretched and skewed over the years. The literal meaning of pedophilia is “love for children.” It wasn’t God’s law that pedophilia is considered wrong or evil. Naturally, some of the adults who loved children developed an intimate bond with them, and a sexual relationship developed.

In Biblical times, the concept of childhood was short, ending around puberty. Pubescent children were considered responsible and lived at what we consider today at an adult level. As society developed, the concept of childhood expanded well into the teenage years. Children were given less responsibility, remained with their parents longer, and married later in life. Simultaneously, Puritan values were preached to protect children from the evils of sexual immorality by forbidding them from having sex out of wedlock. Over the years, the reasoning for this value was blurred and became intertwined with the expanded period of the concept of childhood; so sexual immorality went from sex out of wedlock to also mean any sexual activity involving children, and society started equating pedophilia to mean “sex with children.” Pedophilia being wrong or evil is a modern social construct that shifted the Overton Window and evolved into man’s law.

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Writer/Activist | A MAP In Love

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